Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One of my top 5 experiences in life...and so it goes

Last Sunday my book club met to discuss Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. I don't usually chat about my book club online, but I will make an exception. The reason why this book club was so different and blog-able is that we met with a bookclubmate's grandparent's book club. Their youngest member was 79 and oldest was 95 years old (and boy was that 95 year old as sharp as a tack) We planned for both of our book clubs to read this book and meet together and discuss.

For those of you who have not read the book, briefly, it is about an author who wants to write a book about his experiences in WWII, especially the Bombing of Dresden. The book becomes a book about war, coping with life after the war, with a bit of science fiction thrown in.

What was great is that all of the people in the other book club lived through WWII, we had three people who fought in the Pacific Theater and many of them shared their stories. From what it was like to be there, to getting letters from soldiers that had sections blacked out by censors. Some of the stories were difficult to hear and because we talked for almost 3 hours straight hard to repeat every one. One of our members works for a radio show and we hope that it will be a segment that will be on air. I will keep you posted.

I really don't think I will forget this ever.

We decided to meet every few months to discuss a book. I can't wait for the next meeting.

and so it goes...

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