Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

I love Halloween. It is the only time Cleopatra would ever be seen with a Transformer.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Oh..... you laughed at my itinerary, but we actually got quite a bit done and covered a lot of ground.

Sunday:Beach day
After a leisurely, not intentional, breakfast at Tart. We headed to Manhattan Beach. Here are some pics:

I was very excited to show Evan the Ocean for the first time. Unfortunately at first he wasn't so excited about it at first.

But soon got over it and made sandcastles with grandma, Brandon and Fruncle Asher. I think everyone was amazed by the fact that it was 70 degrees in October. On a walk along the sand we were attacked by seagulls and entertained by a pod pf playful porpoises. (these proved to be elusive to my camera, and I spent most of the time trying to figure out my camera, instead of watching them jump into the air)

Here is a picture of Evan a bit more excited at the beach.

a break in the vacation reporting action

Instead of reporting to you about the family vacation, I am taking a break to ask for some happy thoughts this Wednesday. Asher has an important audition for a current NBC show.

In the meantime here is a related picture.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

pictures and stuff

Wow! What a week and a half.

I have been working hard to prepare for my family's visit and now I am recovering from all the fun.

One thing that I learned early about my nephew is that he likes to pose for pictures. Which is nice especially since you want to take as many pictures as possible. This is a picture of him and Mandu at Cafe Marmalade at the Farmer's Market. This is day one of the trip. I hope to bring you all of the day by day pictures and what we did.

Day One Star Sighting: Dave Navarro
You may know him from Rock Star INX, Rock Star Supernova or as Carmen Electra's ex. I know him from Jane's Addiction which was one of my favorite bands in High School.

I am glad that this weekend was not the week of the visits, because a lot of north of where we were is currently on fire.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Did you know?

That it is banned books week? Why don't you celebrate by reading a book that has been banned once or almost banned like:

The Whitches- Roald Dahl
Fahrenheit 451-Ray Bradbury
To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee
Don Quijote- Miguel de Cervantes
Farwell to Arms- Hemingway

Can you imagine half of what we read in high school English was once banned?

Here is another great book website that some of you may be able to assist with.

The Book Inscriptions Project

Basically you take a picture of a cover of a book you have and a picture of the inscription in it and post it. It is a very interesting to see the motivations on why people give other people books.