Friday, February 26, 2010

Gluten free and me

A lot of you have been asking about how I am doing since going gluten free, soy free and egg free. I'd say that it is going quite well. Life is better when you feel better. I am no longer popping tums, taking daily doses of ibuprofen and no longer having the feeling that my whole body is congested. (Having congested organs is uncomfortable once you realize what it feels like to not have congested organs.)

For those of you who didn't know how it was deduced that I had these allergies, the short story is that after back to back sinus infections and being prescribed antibiotic after antibiotic,(One with nasty side effects that I will not go into detail) I decided enough was enough and I saw a NatraPath, who helped me stop getting sinus infections in the first place.

The cure for that was going gluten free, egg free and soy free.

It has been hard at times. Sometimes it is frustrating to go into grocery stores and after reading all of the labels you realize that you can't eat anything and you leave with only a steak and two apples in your grocery bag.

The plus side is that I am eating healthier. I cannot have a single salad dressing in the salad dressing aisle (here is where olive oil, dijon mustard and herbs de provence becomes your best friend also a gluten free blue cheese mixed with salt and lime juice) I cannot have a lot of the potato chips in the chip aisle, or prepackaged meals like lean cuisine and frozen pizza. No mayonnaise, which was actually hard for me. Basically what I am eating is meat,vegetables, fruits and nuts.

What you notice is that gluten hides in a lot of things you wouldn't think of like rice krispies and hot dogs. Soy is even worse, salad dressings, frozen french fries and gluten free mixes.

Some of you since having talked to me are thinking that maybe your symptoms sound the same as mine (chronically stuffed up, congested, stomach feels off after you eat a lot of things, headache-y, tired for no reason and joint ache-y, not to mention undesirable digestion issues that are unlady like to talk about publicly) and maybe you wouldn't mind trying it out and see what happens. I would say give it a month, if you do not like it, it is only a month out of your life.

I am not on a gluten free soapbox, I am not writing this to make you gluten free, soy free and egg free or be like me. I just want to share with you the resources I have found that have really helped me learn more about this lifestyle.

Go out and get a copy of Gluten Free Girl by Shauna James Ahern and read her accompanying blog called glutenfreegirl It is an autobiography of going gluten free. I would have to say that making the switch for me wasn't as easy as it was for her. Plus there are additional things I cannot eat and many of the recipes I can't try.

Read this recipe blog called elana's pantry She also recently put out a cookbook about cooking with almond flour.

You can also pick up a raw food (I know it sounds gross, but it isn't) cookbook. Wheat, soy and eggs, with the exception of edamame require cooking.

Check out this post on kitchn with comments: kitchnpost

Go to and download their gluten free list here you may not have a TJs but some of the products on the list you can find at your local grocery store like Lara Bars.

Well, I hope that this post helps anyone who is looking for more information on food allergies. Sometimes you can help yourself by making simple changes like wrapping a burger in lettuce, which is my fav. I want to avoid making this into a recipe site, but maybe I will throw in a couple helpful hint here and there.

Happy reading and eating.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pawn star sighting

I haven't seen any celebrities as of late in LA. I did however visit the pawn shop featured in the History Channel's show called Pawn Stars . I am not sure if you watch, but it is as if bikers ran the Antiques Roadshow.

I did not see anyone featured in the show's first season. I think they were all in the back. I did meet someone who will be heavily featured in next season, but I don't remember his name.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I have a problem

I have a problem with big hair. It has been a problem that has plagued me since the days of mall hair, which I never ever had with the exception of that one fateful picture day when mom persuaded me to have the Amazing Mandu do my hair because it would look "nice"

I think you can tell I am still bitter.

I remember one time at arts school I had my hair cut before a wedding and wouldn't it be great if I had it styled, wouldn't it look "nice". But it came out a big scary ratted out-shellacked bob. I looked like an idiot. I sat in the back of the car in tears pulling apart individual strands of my hair trying to minimize the hairspray density.

I have a problem with big hair.

I was in a wedding this weekend....

I think you know where this is going

I did some hair practice and was going to do my own hair, but wasn't too confident in doing it myself. I was however confident in the style I wanted. The dress was flapper-esque so I wanted something of the like. I wanted a curled low loose but tidy side bun. When I did it at home it looked great. I thought in a capable stylist's hands it would turn out fantastic.

But when the hot rollers came out and she ratted the mess out of it, it ended up looking like this:

ummm 1960's Dolly Parton anyone?

I will leave you with this song, that got stuck in my head as a result of my hair.

Monday, February 15, 2010

safe and sound

The Amazing Mandu made it safely to the land of Ohio. Is looking for an apartment and is wowing her new clients.

I survived my weekend in Vegas and am happy that there is no reason for me to have to go back there. (I'll post pictures later)

On a topical note, when I saw Kevin Smith at jury duty and wrote about it I didn't think that he was so large that he needed to be kicked off of a plane. Having ridden Southworst, i mean Southwest, I can tell you that they breed a certain smartass-ness in their flight attendants, which quite frankly is uncalled for.

I had my own experience last weekend with a nasty stewardess who asked me to "Calm down M'am" when I tried to be helpful. I simply stated that she had already placed my drink order but not for the other two people in my row. And for that I needed to calm down.

When have you ever seen me as spazzy? Think about it.

I think they should change their motto to:
"We have cheap flights, you don't have to pay for your bags, we can treat you any way we like"


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Of course I will be your Valentine Grandpa.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

cameo appearance

Last night due to an unfortunate, :), lateness of planes, the Amazing Mandu made a cameo appearance in LA.

I was a quick visit which included a tour of my new apartment, a trip to the very l.a. Wokano for sushi where everyone looks like the stars of the Hills or this Snookie that all the young people are talking about, then it was off to my favorite l.a. cafe the little next door to escape from l.a. and go to France for decent coffee. lavender macaroons and listen to French people speak French.

And as quickly as the Amazing Mandu came, she left.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

rain rain go away

I remember singing that song when I was little would have some cosmic effect in stopping the rain, especially if Great America/Six Flags was somehow in the equation.

Now that we are in the second day of our STORM ALERT 2010 (did I tell you ever that Californians do not know how to deal with rain) I don't really want it to stop, because rain is one of the only things here that remind me of home.

Some pictures to tide you over

I am off this week to be the maid of honor in my best friends wedding in Vegas. I don't have a lot of time to write this week, but I thought I would post some pictures I haven't had the opportunity to post yet. Savor them until I get back.

Peonies in Nice, my favorite flowers

(This is the second in the series of antler photos by Evan, Coey and I got him a camera for Christmas. )

This is him and I sledding in the yard. I am wearing my Cindy Lou-hoo winter coat that only sees the light of day when it is snowy

Grandma and baby NoNo
(Did you realize that her intials are no lo jo-take that LiLo

Aunty Amazing Mandu

of Minsk

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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

cupcakes and actors

While I was at a bake sale fundraiser for Haiti, I saw Breckin Meyer

I had no idea he was from Minneapolis.