Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Vote for Asher

The love of my life, Asher, has entered into an online acting contest for Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang . If you haven't seen the movie go out and rent it. I was pleasantly surprised.

Anyway, because we live in the time of reality shows and everyone is so very keen on the online voting thing, you can view and vote for Asher's scene.

I would like to warn you before giving you directions on how to access it that the language in the scene is very adult.

That being said, please go to and look for his scene. Unfortunately they keep shuffling which page he is on. Currently he is on page 5. His scene is Scene 2-The Apology. Since many of you do not know what he looks like, he is wearing a blue polo and is standing infront of the palm tree that is in our back yard. Please give him 5 stars.

Any questions please call me or email me at

Break in the action

I will be getting back to my family's California adventure shortly, but first two things....

incredibly cute pictures of my nephew!

Amanda and I will be putting together a baby Evan blog and details will come soon.

The next will come item will b e in my next post.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Interview with Coey

Which celebrity were you from the celebrity quiz that I put in the blog before you came? Debbie Reynolds

Before coming out to Los Angeles, what did you think it would be like?
I thought it would be sunny, palm trees, and stars everywhere.

When you got here what shocked and/or surprised you the most?
I was surprised that it was very "carnie." A lot of the hot spots were holes in the wall and very spread out.

Her definition of "Carnie" is:"Well, you know. It was like everyone was trying to sell something like the fair or a carnival. The Kodak and Chinese theaters were seedier
than I thought they'd be. Everything wasn't as clean and well kept as I
thought it would be. You know what I mean by carnie."

You had the chance to see several celebrities, What was that like?
It was cool to see the celebrities. I thought I would be nervous to see them, but it was like they were regular people, hanging out and shopping or grabbing lunch with their friends.

What was your favorite meal?
My favorite meals were the banana nutella crepes, and also the shrimp pasta at Off Vine.

What was your favorite sale?
My favorite sale was the $68 Vera Wang wedding dress (quelle surprise).

What is one thing, besideds me, that you would have taken back with you?I would have taken back the palm trees and sun - along with more sale items (besides you)

What is one thing that you wish that you would have done, but didn't?
I wish I could have shopped on Rodeo Drive - and gone to the beach more often - and seen more of the celebs on my list.

What was your favorite thing that you did?
My favorite thing was hanging out with you - and also going to the beach - the hotel was great, too.

What did you think or L.A. traffic?
LA traffic was bad - but no worse than most holiday traffic. I thought it was interesting, though, that most of their side streets were like the highways in MN.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I didn't think it would be this way either

My first thought of Los Angeles was ehww, why would anyone want to live here? That thought came from the comfort of my own couch in Minneapolis before ever visiting here. L.A, as I knew it, was the place of my mother's gossip rags and ET (coincidentally taped right across the street from where I live now.) L.A. was a booming metropolis filled with designer stores, celebrities everywhere, a 24 hour Vegas-like party land, where if there aren't droughts and fires, there are mudslides, if no mudslides, there are earthquakes. ( All of this coming from a girl who lived in the land of blizzards, tornadoes and insane humidity )

I think that is what shocks people when thy come here. L.A. is very underwhelming.

I know that last statement sounded very bad. I don't exactly mean it too be, sometimes when things are less than what you expect that can be very good. Take for example the fact that I thought that I had to buy a whole new wardrobe before my first visit, because I would seem so midwest . I liked that when I got here, I was pleasantly surprised that it quite honestly didn't matter what you wear here. You could wear nothing at all, not like girls here don't try.

The things about L.A. that is played up so much in the media and is so underwhelming are things like ...

Robertson, Where all of young Hollywood shops and the site of The Ivy-Is actually only 3 blocks long. Just this little blip on the radar of Los Angeles.

The Kodak Theater- The sight of The Oscars, is inside of a shopping mall. Yes, it is true. You have to pass Nine West in your Manolos and Versace to get to your seat. You could possibly stop for some Could Stone if you get there too early and want to avoid Isaac Mizrahy's uncomfortable questions and bad touches.

Walk of fame
- The stars of the acting greats are flanked by stars for the not so acting greats and former Laker Cheerleaders, turned singers, turned... The site of the Chinese Theater is also the sight for panhandlers dressed in costumes.

Anyway, this is not to deter you from ever coming here. There are many things about Los Angeles that I love. I just know that it is a shock to find out that the mighty wizard is just a man pulling switches behind a curtain.

The Farmer's Daughter

The The Farmer's Daughter is by far one of the cutest hotels I have ever laid my eyes on. Gigham Cutains, demin bedspreads, lattice work canopies, and the water pump faucet. I don't know how they pulled off modern and country, but they did.

This hotel used to be a dive, that served well for the people who wanted a cheap place to stay so they could walk over to be THE NEXT CONTESTANT ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT. Recently it was gutted and turned into an award winning design hotel.

The Farmer's Daughter is also in the heart of shopping paradise. Hence my choice for my family to stay. It is right across the street from the historic Farmer's Market . (Often a subject in my blog due to my banana nutella crepe addiction), The Grove and the ever so boutique-y 3rd Street.

This is going to sound like I am in cahoots with their marketing people, but I'll go ahead. If you a looking for a place for you or your family to stay and really get the chance to do the whole LA thing stay here. I know that the website makes it look like this is a hotel for young beautiful people, don't let that scare you off. If you aren't 23, have millions of dollars or have a faux-hawk you can stay here and feel equally as comfortable.

If any Farmer's Daughter employee reads this and could tell me the color and maker of the paint for the red color on the sink wall of the double rooms you can email me here at

Never American Airlines, Never again

It is May 25th, I get a call at 10:30 a.m. from my mother and sister saying that their flight from Chicago is cancelled due to mechanical difficulties. Not to worry they assure me, they are on the next flight.

They call back. No, they are two of 104 people waiting to get on the next flight. No next flight for them, but their luggage gets to go.

There have been people waiting since 8:00 p.m. May 24th to go to LAX. They are still waiting with my mother and sister.

They will be on the 2:30 flight. They have brought in an extra plane to make up for the cancelled flight. This flight is cancelled due to mechanical difficulties. The next flight that they are able to book will arive at LAX at 7:30 p.m. May 26th.

They are on standby.

They will be on the 3:55 flight, but they aren't.

The 5:15 flight that they are loaded aboard cannot take off because the pilots have been flying too long. They get off to be put back on stand by.

Next flight no.
The next flight no.

Finally at 11:55 p.m., a mere 13 hours after their original flight was scheduled, they are able to leave. After they board and disboard two planes, after two flights are cancelled due to mechanical difficulties, after spending $100 in airport food, they get here at 3:00 a.m.

Repirations from American Airlines zero dollar and zero cents. Food vouchers a little too late.


When you last left I AM HERE, she was not yet 30 and she was going have family in town. Yes she did and survived all of these things. She even survived the Rapture, but why on earth hasn't she written?

We may never know.

The next few entries will try to determine why.