Saturday, August 30, 2008

Please Register

Now that we are in between conventions, I would like to remind you to register to vote. I am really not going to tell you who to vote for, but as my father would say:

"You can't (expletive for complaining) if you do not vote."

Many of you probably haven't moved since the last time we voted in a presidential election, but if you have moved or changed names or even changed parties (This applies to some states) or just turned 18 please take the time to register and pass this along to friends.

How can I register to vote?

A great resource to find information about rules in your state please go to The League of Women Voters . (You do not have to be a woman to look at it)

If you are ready to register a great place to go is Rock The Vote . You can just simply type out your information, they fill that out in a printable registration, you print it and send it. How easy is that?

Please do this soon. Many states require longer periods before election day.

Please pass this on to friends an family.

Note: If there are other bloggers out there who just want to copy this information and use it in their blog I really welcome it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What are they wearing-not exactly the best role model

I Amy Winehouse's music. I really do. I know she has personal issues and I really think she is a horrible role model, but as any of you have ever watched VH1's Behind the Music or any Bio-pic you know that drugs are not new in the life of music.

I find myself guilty of following this latest trend. Amy Winehouse hair.

Here I am on my 32nd:

From Chanel's 2008 Fall Paris runway show to the streets of Los Angeles the mini-bee hive has now become the new staple.

Get out your Aquanet ladies!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What happens in vegas Stays in Vegas

I don't think one should pose such and existentialist dilemma on the Vegas crowd. They might just believe you.

Since my trip to Vegas was over a month ago I think it would be best summed up in a picture post.

Double birthday happiness

I wonder who I got my style from?


I miss my sisters

Maybe I should have used a better setting


One for the fridge


Sorry it took so long to update this post. It was really overdue.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Not a star sighting exactly

It isn' t a star sighting I guess, but more of a interesting tid bit about a tv show.

If you do happen to watch the new 90210 show, the exteriors for the Peach Pit was shot at a restaurant called Kokomo Cafe on Beverly.

I pass by it on my way to work and thought I would share.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy birthday mom!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! I wish I were there.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I can't believe I forgot

There were a few things that I waned to accomplish during my unemployment. When you are employed there are a lot of things you can't enjoy because they are open during the time you are working.

  • Ride the subway. CHECK (The Hollywood and Vine Station is covered with film canisters. see pictured)
  • Go to China Town and eat dimsum.CHECK
  • Set foot on the Paramount Lot. CHECK. Which I did once because I had an interview for one of the 17 jobs I applied to there.
There were actually a few things I didn't get the chance to do like go to the new addition to LACMA called BCAM. I did do a tour of the outside installations but didn't go inside. I also wanted to learn a new language but didn't get to that either.

The one thing I had to do before I started working and made a point to not forget. Do you know what is coming?.......

I had to get eat a hot dog at Pink's.
Here is me enjoying a simple ketchup and mustard. I say simple because there are some crazy gut busting creations offered at Pinks. click here . Being a Chicago girl I had to scoff at their attempt at a Chicago style dog.

Any one who has ever had a Chicago dog knows that it comes on a poppy seed bun, has relish, mustard, pickles, onion, tomato, sport peppers and my favorite celery salt. This didn't have half the toppings and it was a Polish not a dog.

I thought Pinks was fine. A hot dog is a hot dog is a hot dog, but I will always have a special place in my heart for a Chicago Style Dog.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

back in the action again

I have been back in Los Angeles for almost a week and I am happy to say that I am not leaving town for quite some time. I met Asher's extended family in North Carolina last weekend. It was very quick and I wish I had more time visiting. It really felt like planes, trains and automobiles.

I did get the opportunity to see my grandparents as well and spend some time in the projects and visit my favorite bookstore.

Before I go back in time and catch you all up with my life this summer I did want to let you know that speaking of time machine I saw Rick Springfield a couple weekends ago. I would love to know his secret, he doesn't look a day over 30.

Now we go back in time to before I got my job.