Monday, January 08, 2007

New Years Resolution # 2

My second and most difficult resolution is to not eat out so much. This will be my hardest one of the year.

In Los Angeles, groceries can be quite expensive. I find myself handing over $50 everytime I walk into the grocery store, only to go home and find out that I only bought 6 eggs and a roll of paper towel. Seriously.

Sometimes it is easier to eat out then cook at home.

THERE ARE SO MANY PLACES TO EAT IN LA. I figure that if you ate at a different restaurant in Los Angeles and its immediate vicinity for every meal it would take you about 10 years. I wonder if anyone ever did that study? I promise not to step up to the task, at least not in 2007.

So far it is going okay. I still eat out a bit more than I should, but at least I am aware. It is just so easy to be tempted.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Years Resolution # 1

My first New Years resolution of 2007 is to write more on my blog. I have totally let it lapse and I apologize.

I know how much everyone likes reading it and a lot of you are wondering how I am doing. I am doing very well. I am coming up on my one year anniversary of living in Los Angeles. I cannot believe how fast time has flown. My next series will be my best of 2006 finds in Los Angeles as other bests ofs.

So I hope You enjoy I AM HERE THE 2007. I promise not to go so long without writing again. Please write to me at to let me know how everything is going in your neck of the woods.