Monday, July 31, 2006

For the second time in my life

I walked out of Miami Vice. It was just that bad. This is not something I do very often, in fact it was only the second time I have ever walked out of a movie. My advice to you, is grip your wallet and run as fast as you can away from the theater.

Sweet Relief

It is day 3 of the cool down and I am feeling much better about life. I am sure that you have all heard about the Heatwave that has gripped California since July 1st (My official date, the media puts it at July 16th) It has been a long month of trying to stay cool.
Part of the reason that I haven't written is that our computer is in the room we have named the Sauna. Also, I was so hot that I think that some of my brain cells evaporated.
It has been difficult to be in California during this month. This summer has been especially difficult for Californians, they have never dealt with so much humidity. As a veteran of Minnesota, the humidity didn't bother me as much as that there is no relief to the heat. At least in Minnesota it rains every couple of weeks. I actually had a dream about thunderstorms last week. Maybe I was subconciously trying to tell California something.
I cannot explain to you in words exactly how hot it was because I don't think that words like that exist in the english language or if so young children are not aloud to hear them.
Just know that it was hot and that I lived through it, but like all Californians I am on my last crabby leg.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Shooting on my block

Today they are shooting scenes from The Shield today in my neighborhood. They are down the block a bit, so I can't report anything from my building, other than low flying helicopters.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Yes, I know that it has been a while yet again. The heat has really melted my brain. More about our heatwave later. I will now retire to the only room in our lovely apartment that has air conditioning and write some posts about what I have been up to. To tide you over please busy yourself by watching my boyfriend's commercial on the bud light website

Go to view all TV ads and if you scroll over them he is in the one called Zagar-pick up game. He is the one who gets shot in the neck with a blow dart.



.. you miss me? I missed you too. My email box has been pretty lonely as well.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

And the best place to spot celebrities is...

...The Newsroom on Robertson.

While there one Saturday afternoon while family was in town we saw Pauly Shore, two of the band members from No Doubt and Natalie Imbruglia.

So, if you are itching to see some celebrities while in Los Angeles, this is the place to go.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Just when I thought the whole contest was a sham, Asher found out that he is indeed one of th 20 finalists. Thank you all for voting.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Shoppers of the world Untie!

You will notice a new L.A. link on the side of my blog. It is
It isn't really an L.A. blog exactly. You may notice that you can choose a different city depending on where you live or where you are jet setting to. (wink, wink)

What is Daily Candy anyway?
It is basically a girls guide to where to shop, where to eat and what to do.

What Daily Candy says about itself
"DailyCandy, a free daily e-mail newsletter and website, is the ultimate insider’s guide to what’s hot, new, and undiscovered — from fashion and style to gadgets and travel. As useful as it is entertaining, it’s like getting an e-mail from your clever, unpredictable, and totally in-the-know best friend. The one who knows about secret beauty treatments, must-have jeans, hot new restaurants — and always shares the scoop."

I also love the watercolor art.

Ladies, have fun.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Interview with Gaga

Which celebrity were you from the celebrity quiz that I put in the blog before you came?

I was most like Grace Kelly of course!!!!!

When you got here what shocked and/or surprised you the most?

The thing that surprised me the most
was the footprints at Grauman's.....were they really that small????can't believe that
all those stars were midgets!!!

And all those famous places were just around the corner
here and there. Kitson's...are there any others??? piles of jeans and tees like in any
ordinary teen shop.....but hundreds of dollars!!!

What was your favorite meal?

Favorite restaurant.....your birthday

What is one thing, besideds me, that you would have taken back with you?

The flowers were outstanding
especially the roses!!

Want to have a Whole
Foods here....and would love a croissant and crepe from the market......very much like

What is one thing that you wish that you would have done, but didn't?
would have liked to walk the Rodeo Dr. area.

What did you think or L.A. traffic?

Traffic.....about the same in any large city.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Saturday, July 08, 2006


I have my own cartoon!

Maybe the Amish have it?

The title of this blog pretty much sums up how I am feeling lately about technology. If I didn't depend on it so much, I would pick up and move to Pennsylvania and commune with the tech free society. I write this as I am plugged into my ipod.

Why am I so turned off? Well between the phones dropping, the power going out and rebuilding databases with fatal errors at work, my phone therefore my internet has been down at home. Also, my digital camera is toast and Asher's needs a new chip, but they don't sell that chip anymore. They have upgraded to a new chip format, leaving all of the Fuji cameras that are more than two years old completely futile. (Who knew digital cameras were made to be disposable)

It has really just left me feeling very annoyed. If you don't hear from me in a while again it is because the tech. gods are frowning upon me once again.