Sunday, January 17, 2010

4 years

Today, four years ago, I packed up all that I could carry, I jumped on a plane and moved to LA. I can hardly believe it. Sometimes it feels like I have been here forever, sometimes it feels like an instant.

I still love Los Angeles, maybe even more so now. Maybe because yesterday I was able to wear a tank top and walk around in January. Sunshine does a lot to change your feelings about life. (That wasn't to make you feel jealous, it was just a truth.) I remember when I first moved out here and I would wake up when the sun was shining and I would rush to get outside because I thought the sun would go away. I felt very much like the main character in Ray Bradbury's "All Summer in a Day" I was told not to worry, that the sun doesn't go away. It doesn't, with the exception of June Gloom.

I love being able to walk down the street and hear 5 different languages, fresh produce (I am a cantaloupe convert) , the view from my office-ocean, mountains, city, I love the beaches, Pinkberry, seeing the places I used to dream about as a kid and for some reason meeting people who are from Minnesota.

There are things that I miss about Minnesota, like my family, but now some of that family is off to Ohio. (Cleveland Rocks!) A new blog in the works maybe?

I designed this new logo for my four year anniversary. I thought it was time for a change.

I promise to be more diligent about writing this year.

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