Thursday, April 03, 2008

April is National Poetry Month

Did you know that April is National Poetry month? Well, it is.

Since it is, I commissioned a poem from one of our family poets and finder of the fountain of youth, my grandfather. Here is an especially relevant poem from him about the dreaded April 15th.


The ides of April are soon upon us
Again we go through the IRS form fuss
There’s got to be a more just way
Adopt a fair tax program some people say

But that program is fraught with many woes
The lower income folks will pay through the nose
While the upper group will really score
Keeping more of their income, and more, and more

And tax attorneys would be out of work
H & R Block would also go into the murk
Jobless IRS agents, what would they do?
With no one to hassle, who would they sue?

So fair tax may not be the way
An equitable way to make everyone pay
Would be to put all citizens on welfare
And let everyone share in the same despair

With a new tax code simple and fair
Where everyone gets the same kicked derriere
The new form would read as easy as sin
“How much money did you make last year? Mail it in !”

David E. McGrain
April, 2008

Have you done your taxes yet? I haven't.

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