Thursday, April 08, 2010

When we last left I am here....

...she had just got home from dying easter eggs, fat from eating BBQ-ed meat and anxiously awaiting a promotion.

Well, she is waiting no longer because this week she has been promoted.

Very much a yay moment for me.

I have to wait for my boss to get back from Italy to tell me exactly what it will entail, but I am very excited.

All of this I cannot tell you about on the blog, but know that I am happy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dearest Kristen,

Yay!!!!!! So glad to hear about your promotion. Good things come to one's granddaughter if you pray hard enough. Congratulations.

I have also read DOWN AND OUT IN PARIS AND LONDON, albeit many decades ago. It was a great read and it has kept me ever mindful of the risks of eating out.

Love you,

Grandma Karen