Tuesday, November 23, 2010

conquering a fear one bite at a time

Today I did something I never thought I would do. I ate something I am deathly afraid of.....

The little inscription above the sausage is not a name I used for my order. I in fact ate RATTLESNAKE.

mixed with a little rabbit.

Wurstkuche is a ale house/sausage maker who mixes some pretty exotic cocktails of meat and stuffs them all into a nice little casing like duck and bacon, alligator and pork and classics like bratwurst.

I have to say that the rabbit and rattlesnake was pretty darn good. It was mild and tasty, not what I was expecting at all. I was a bit afraid of this combo and had originally thought about chicken/turkey with cilantro and green chilis but changed my mind while I waited in line because how often do you get the chance to eat snake. Pretty much never.

So when I am hiking up one of the many trails in the LA area and I see a rattlesnake I might just look at it a little differently.

And may just salivate a little.

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