I felt that my interview on Monday went very well. Unfortunately they will not be making their decision until the end of this month. A friend commented that it might be an April Fool's joke. Perhaps.
I just spent the last couple days on a whirlwind tour of Los Angeles. We had a friend in from France. Although he has visited a few times, there is always so much to see that hasn't been seen before. This time we tried to watch the sunset at Moonshadows (Some of you may have heard that name before, it is where Mel Gibson drank it up before his drunk driving arrest) It was too cloudy to get a view of the sunset, but we did watch some dolphins play for a few minutes. I tried to get video of them, but of course by the time I got the camera ready, they disappeared.
Our friend was amazed at how many European chain stores there are in L.A. I had no clue.
Yesterday was a driving tour of Downtown, we hit the Music Center which holds the Walt Disney Concert Hall designed by Frank Gehry (pictured) Chinatown, Santee Alley
So that is what I have been up to I guess.
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