It has finally cooled down in L.A. I know that many of you commented to me that you saw that it was in the 100s here on the news. That news was all true. It was very hot and I spent most of the time in the one air conditioned room in the house.
Over the weekend I got to experience my very first TV show taping. It was for the next season of "Last Comic Standing" If any of you aren't familiar with the show click here . It was a lot of fun, we practiced clapping, Standing Ovations, and how not to look at a camera. Unfortunately the theater we were in did not have air conditioning. I did get to meet some other mid-westerners and we chatted about "The Cities" (They say that no one here knows what they are talking about when they say that) I also cannot tell you who won, I have been sworn to secrecy.
note on a prior post:
If you have seen the 4 Minutes video from Madonna, you will see that JT is wearing a blarf. I am telling you they are every where.
Other than that, I am still job hunting. I wish that at the 3 month mark I would have had a job by now, but I guess the world has other plans for me.
Email me if you can. I get bored sitting here submitting resumes and waiting for people to call.
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