I will get to the dino pavillion in a minute, but since I was a newbie I will talk about the other stuff first.
The museum featured a lot of beautiful dioramas featuring once live animals. This was before PETA and in the early 1900's where people would think:
"I would really like that in my museum"
"Now this animal is in my museum"
"Now this animal is in my museum"
(Which I would like to mention is conjecture by me)

There were dioramas of Grizzly Bear, White Tailed Deer, a grand scene of elephants of all sizes w/ water buffalo and for the first time I was able to see how a giraffe drinks water (very awkward by the way), animals upon animals that I had never heard of and then there was a scene of what is in Los Angeles' back yard-which is coyote eating a house cat next to an outdoor pool. Wylie coyote.

To the left are the Walruses resting lazily on an ice float. Which was my favorite. The ice bergs were 3D I swear.
Click here for more information and there is a video on how the Natural History Museum thinks about creating a diorama and the history of dioramas. More are also featured on this site.
We wandered around to the conservation labs where you can watch them clean fossils, when through the bird section and spotted all the birds that we usually see tide pooling or on other Team Girl Trips.

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