Thursday, September 02, 2010

List item number 1-See family of course

The majority of my ten day vacation was seeing family, of course. It has been way too long since seeing NoNo, especially with the baby model photos, I needed to see all of that beautifulness with my own two eyes.

(um could she be any happier)

I was in town for my mom's birthday. Where we ate a Florio's of course. (where the fried chicken rival's Rooks)

I had a brief foray into camping and actually cooked my own hot dog on a stick. (Gasp!)And camping calls for the Johnsons and Pearsons of course.

Then as I was leaving I had the opportunity to see Reeeda, Er-ee, Arne and Carol for a nice lunch where we ate until we were in food comas and yelled "We love you guys" and followed them down the driveway waving goodbye like good Minnesotans of course.

I did miss seeing Evan just by three days, which is a bummer of course.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Yay! It was so fun having you around again. NoNo was excited to see you in person again, hence the wide-open-mouth-grin she had on most of the time. Miss you!
