Friday, September 12, 2008

like a horror film a sinus infection never dies

I have to apologize again from neglecting the blog. I have been sick for 6 weeks with a sinus infection, that I thought was going away but came back last weekend stronger, nastier and unrelenting.

I think I am back on the up and up, but I am not making any promises. Being sick for so long has really effected my stress level, which was really noticed by my message therapist today.

One thing I vow to never do again when I am sick is to check into WebMD. Why do you ask? Well every symptom on WebMD ends in death. For example, I needed to watch my sinus infection to make sure that my neck didn't get stiff because if it did I would surely go into a coma and die. Pretty scary.

Everything on there ends in death. Go ahead and look.

Oh yeah be careful if you smile too much, it may be a facial aneurysm that will break off in your brain and kill you.

Thanks WebMD if I didn't have war, inner city crime, poverty and the fear that some crazy person coming to my work and cutting off my hair to worry about at least I'll always have you WebMD.

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