Saturday, July 19, 2008

My new job

A lot of people have been asking me how I like my new job. The answer to that is that I love it. It is quiet peaceful and they really allow me to be creative, which is all I could ever ask for really. I think I am going to start putting together some training programs, which is cool. I am a huge unabashed nerd and love to learn new programs and software.

If there is a certain golfer in Pacific Palisades who is reading this blog I want you to know that I am doing a lot more accounting than I ever thought I would. You can laugh.

Working here just made me realize how much I hated my last job. It is hard being a problem solver somewhere where they don't want to solve problems and would rather just sit around and talk about others behind their back or get their undies in a twist because they want a certain cake flavor. It was the most Devil Wears Prada than I ever want ever again.

There is more to life really.

So in summary my new job is so completely and wonderfully different, my boss is great and seems more like a mentor than I have ever had before.

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