Huntington Gardens:
The Huntington was founded in 1919 by Henry E. Huntington when he signed away his San Marino estate for non-profit use. It is now home to gardens, a gallery and Library. It is a beautiful place and is so expansive that you couldn't possibly see it in one day.
Here are some photos.
I finally went to Chinatown and had dim sum, something I have wanted to do for a long time. It was a lot of fun and I ate too much. I left my camera at home unfortunately. Having dim sum is a strange, but great experience. Having a team of people stroll around with carts that you can pick food off of, is a great invention. You eat instantly.
Another LA institution that I had the chance to eat at is the Apple Pan I think I just had that the best burger I have had in LA. It reminded me of my Lion's Tap days in Minneapolis. I didn't have room for pie, but I am definitely going back.
Still reading the books and I can say that the only movie I liked recently is Annie Hall, which I had never seen.
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