Mom and I decided to have a girls day and do some shopping and beach time in Mazdalan, I mean Mazatlan.
First Stop: Baile Folklorico Show
As part of our tour we were whisked across town by cab to the Aztec Theater to see a baile folklorico show. Pictured left is the Mexican Hat Dance. We were also treated to an indigenous group called the Papantla Flyers, pictured right, who will be getting their own post next.
We winded our way through the maze of countless stalls of pottery, jewelry and other trinkets. We ended up buying jewelry, pottery and trinkets. Then onto the resort for free lunch, free drinks and beach time. It was great to relax and hear the ocean. I say hear because our view was obstructed by the wall of street vendors that lined the barrier that the resort had set up. It was also hard to get down to the water to cool off, because once you stepped out into the barrier, vendors descended on you like something out of a zombie movie.
The resort was great and I loved the authentic Mexican food. Pineapple tamales are good. Here is a picture of mom and I underneath a palapa on the beach owned by the resort. You see them everywhere in Mexico. I would like one for L.A. Did I mention it is 80 degrees today.
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