Wow, my vow to post more often sure isn't working.
What I have been up to.
Sick. I caught that nasty cold bug that has been going around. Asher had it gave it to me and now it is lingering a bit.
It has been in the 90 degree range again and also humid which reminds me a bit of old Minnesota and not in a good way.
"Going outside it like jumping in a jar of Mayonnaise" as my dad would say.
Again alas my computer is in the room w/o air conditioning, so that posting has been not as appealing as normal.
I have seen a few movies:
Bourne Ultimatum - I am not a big action fan, but I would like to say that I have liked all of the Bourne Movies. Asher is currently doing a spoof comedic short. I will let you know when it is on YouTube.
La Vie en Rose- (The Movie about Edith Piaf, not about the Belgian boy who likes to wear girls clothes) Anyway, I loved Edith Piaf's music so I finally went to see a movie with my only friend who knows who Edith Piaf was on its at night in town in a dinky theater in Los Feliz.
1) The make up artist was AMAZING. The people who played the younger characters actually looked like them as their older selves. The lead, who is a year older than my self actually looked the part of her as an older woman, unlike what they did to Angelina Jolie in Good Shepard as a 60 year old woman with just extra white powder and a couple gray hairs.
I digress, anyway I can't say that I liked the movie,it was very choppy and I wish that I would have learned more in a 2 and 1/2 hour movie. Marion Cotillard was amazing as Edith and if you want to see her and the music I would go.
Star sightings.
I went to a pool party with at one of the Heartbreakers houses. (Of Tom Petty and the, )
I am still reading like nobody's business.
Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides
The History of Love by Nicole Kraus
I need to start reading "No Country for Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy. Does anyone have it that they can lend to me?
Email me at
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