I sent out a link to my photos via email. If you didn't get it email me here eyemheer2@yahoo.com I wish that there was a way that I could narrate the photos some way on snapfish but I don't think that there is a way to do that. I am so happy that I have a new camera, it takes really great photos. My favorite is
If you have any questions about any of the photos shoot me an email.
I had a wonderful time in Utah, I didn't realize how beautiful it is. From the I- 15 Utah doesn't look too impressive, but once you get off of the interstate and go west about 20 minutes it is like you are in a completely different world. I think the tag line for Utah should be
"If you want to see what Mars looks like, just go east from the I-15."
We tried to visit as much a we could in 4 days Bryce Canyon, Kolob Canyon, Zion National Monument and The Hoover Dam. This is actually quite a feat. There were definitely places that I would have liked to stay longer like Zion, which I think is one of the most phenomenal places I have ever seen in my life.
Here is what I learned about myself:
1) I have a very intense crippling fear of heights.
2) I have a great boyfriend who did not tease me and helped me out quite a bit and helped me to see places that I wouldn't have seen.
3) The next vacation I take will have to be something that is located at a much lower altitude
4) Eventhough I really wanted to, I will never go to Macchu Pichu.
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