I received this book as a gift from my Secret Santa in my book club in Minneapolis. I don't think that I could have found a book title more perfect for my adventure out west. Because I do feel like a stanger here sometimes. There are little things out here that make me feel different. Like the way that I talk-My boyfriend and roomate love it when I say "soup", how absolutely ecstatic I am when the sun is out, how shocked I am about how much of a pain in the a@@ it is to recycle here and I think that I am the only person who will walk nine blocks to the grocery store. People in Los Angeles love to drive- see L.A. Story as an example.
After saying all that, I love it here.
"I'm a Stranger Here Myslef" by Bill Bryson is a collection of essays about his life in the U.S. after being away for 20 years. Mainly this book is commentary on how the culture of the U.S. has changed since he left, how absurd Dental Floss hotlines are, how blinded you can be by choice and his technology woes. His essay about doing your taxes is particulary funny, you should read it by April 15th.
If you want to laugh, because so much of what is out there to read right now is so "gloom and doom", pick up this book. I think we as people of this culture have really lost the ability to laugh at ourselves; it isn't until we learn that less people are injured by guns in England then are sent to the emergency room for being injured by bedding here in the U.S, that we realize how silly everything is.
Note to Author: I am sorry that I did not submit this review to you beforehand as stated in rule#27 in your chapter called "Rules for Living". I hope you accept my review as purely amatuer and not significant in any literary circle.
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