For the rest of my life I will remember this commercial that played during he Minnesota winters.
It is a spoof on Wagner's Opera "The Ring of the Nibelung". In the commercial Brunnehilde lashes forth with her mighty sword and sings to the tune of "The Ride of the Valkyries" .....
"Velcome to Vinter, in Minnesotah, here is your fuel bill..ha..ha..ha..ha"
In Minnesota there is a marked change of seasons. You know that it is spring becasue there is nothing but mud everywhere. You know that it is summer because it is so humid that when you go outside it feels like, to quote my Dad,"you jumped in a jar of mayo" In Minnesota there is no question whether or not winter is upon you. By far my favorite season in Minnesota is the Fall, but even that is very definate. Not only do the leaves change and fall gracefully to the ground, but fall smells so different from any other season.
This has lead me to ask...
"Exactly what happens in winter in Los Angeles?" The answer to my question was that it rains. As many of you know, I have been here over a month and in that time, it has rained six times. I am not sure if that is normal, but it definately is no winter I have ever been familiar with.