Saturday night was my first L.A. party. I guess not my first L.A. party, but a party with people who are celebrities. What shocked me was that it was so normal and effortless; just a bunch of people hanging around chatting and having a few cocktails. I guess I am used to the drama club parties of my youth where everyone starts to talk over each other and try to put quarters up their nose. This was not the battle for attention fest that I thought it was going to be.
My other concern that people would be pretentious and label conscious. I have not and probably never will be anyone who can afford Prada sandals and $400 hoodie sweatshirts from Kitson. So I guess when I went out rockin’ my GAP trousers and H & M top, I felt a little Midwest. The thing is that people wear a lot of black here. (I know, my version of heaven.) I actually got a couple comments about my little handbag (pictured) So, note to self, wear a lot of black and when in doubt go vintage.
I know that you are all dying to know who was there. Well it was his birthday and the only other person I recognized was this guy . He played Dr. Joey Martin on All my Kids. I guess the place was crawling with Soap stars, but I didn’t know any of them. I haven’t followed a Soap since 1995 and the only reason I did then was because of someone I was interested in at the time. (Now that I think back that does sound kind of weird. Me pining after a boy who changed his college schedule so that he could watch Days of Our Lives.)
So, that was my first foray into the VIP party set and it wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be.
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