Day one:
We took the train from Evanston into Chicago, a little later to meet Team Sisters to do some Chicago touristy things. We met them at the Shedd, they were just finishing their aquarium related business. We pondered what to do next when we were approached by a salesman to buy tickets for a water taxi to Navy Pier. Usually we wave these people off saying that we weren't interested because it is usually people selling glo sticks or super sweet lemonade in this contraption you have to carry around all day with sticky hands. The more we thought about it, the more it sounded like a good idea, especially after the schlep team sisters had already that morning from hotel to Navy Pier, Millenium and Grant Parks to Museum Campus. That idea turned out to be one of the best of the trip. Chicago has a great coast line, full of random archtecture that somehow all works together. Sears Tower, John Hancock, and the modern shiny Gerhy amplitheater in Millenuim park. (I will show these later, my post is aleady getting long)
We landed on Navy Pier about 20 minutes later walked around a bit, kids riding rides, stopping for refreshments. Then I did something I never thought I would do, agree to ride on the GIGANTIC ferris wheel.
We met up with Mandu and had a nostalgic late lunch at Due, it was as good as we remembered