Some of my favorite memories as a kid was spending that week to 10 days in the summer at the Jersey Shore. We had fun at the Shore long before there was Snookie, spiky hair and gyming and tanning and laundry. When my parents announced that they wanted to spend a week with us in a house on a beach somewhere for their 40th I was glad to share that type of experience with the next generation of Littles. We ended up spending a week at Mission Beach San Diego a block from the beach. I'll write as much as I can remember at this point, but in the meantime, here is the flickr album from the trip:
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Monday, December 09, 2013
Sunday, December 08, 2013
What am I reading
I have accomplished my goal of not reading as much this year. My last book of the year ties into the place that I work, which has recently finished its work to input German auction catalogs from sales during the Nazi era. (If you haven't liked us on facebook you should, sometimes we do pretty awesome things) The book I am reading is Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History by Robert Edsel. Also soon to be a sony picture release in a couple weeks. (perhaps, the date was pushed back)
I really recommend reading it, a great primer of the American involvement in WWII, but also covers a little known topic of the amassing of wealth and culture by the Nazi party by unethical means.(ex. That art found in jewish homes was considered "abandoned" and up for grabs if they fled Germany or sent to concentration camps.) It is written pretty cinematically and I am interested to see how it turns out on film, there are long stretches of the book where the soldiers of the monuments division are alone working for weeks and months but the movie looks like it is an ensemble cast.
Last night I was in a discussion, with some friends who work "in the industry", about how studios are doing much better jobs of adapting movies for film. What do you think?
Saturday, November 23, 2013
L.A. Bucket List

My last act as Mrs. Foong was knocking this off my L.A. Bucket List. Starving after all day flying back from a tropical paradise, I really wanted was a steak. Although the food at the place I stayed was pretty great, they had to cook meat to death for safety reasons. I really wanted in the words of William H Macy's character in Happy, Texas "Rare, I mean rare, de-horn it, wipe its butt and send it in" kind of steak.
The inside of the Encounter is kind of a trip. It is like you are trapped inside of a lava lamp on a space ship in an 60's B-Movie. I was too tired to really enjoy the ambiance, but the steak was really fantastic.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
The time I went to another country under an assumed name
The first time I went to an outing with K's company I had to sign an agreement that I wouldn't share his companies secrets, little do they know that when he and his co-workers talk, I have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. When his company took us on an all expenses trip to an island in the Atlantic Ocean, they took it a step further and sent us under an assummed company name. It felt almost like being a spy. Not to mention that the hotel staff assumed K and I were hitched and his last name is hard to pronounce in Spanish, so began the 5 days I spent as Mrs. Foong.
I have to say, being Mrs. Foong was pretty nice. She slept in, drank Coco Locos, read on the beach, and ate spiny lobsters at 10 at night fresh off the grill. She spoke the langauge of the natives and made a couple friends. Here are pictures of my time as Mrs. Foong.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Where have I been? I have been F-I-N-E Fine

I remember one event of note in my time in Los Angeles this summer, that is when I went to do something I never thought I'd do in a million years, see Areosmith in concert.
If you know me well, you know that there are 3 bands that I run to the dial to switch off as soon as they are recognizable: the Beach Boys (I know I am a bad Californian)The Eagles (Again bad Californian) and Aerosmith (pictured in jumbotron).
I had other reasons to say yes to this concert, John Legend, and that my 3 friends who had accompanied me had never been to the hollywood bowl before. I have seen a lot of shows there and they have all been pretty amazing. Bands backed by a world renowned orchestra. I have to admit I was excited for "Dream On" for that reason.
The night we went it was opening night and the night 3 artists were inducted into the Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame. They were Patty Austin, who was amazing and although she didn't ring a bell to me, her songs did and I sang along to most of them. (A lot of easy listening in the Nina's Glad Rag Saturday Shift) The second was John Legend introduced by Stevie Wonder (Who later sang with him, which was a total dream come true to see Mr. Wonder in any capacity) and lastly Peter Fonda introduced Aerosmith.
I have to sheepishly admit that I was really impressed. Songs were changed up, orchestra use was fantastic and Steven Tyler puts on a really great show. That man is a whole pack of energy. I had no idea how many people loved that ballad from armageddon.
I guess maybe I won't reach so quickly for the dial anymore, except when "Janie's Got a Gun" comes on.
Sunday, October 06, 2013
Field and more eating

One thing on my personal list of things to do was visit the Field Museum. I remember visiting the Field once in my life, in the 80s, the mummies though are something that I never forgot. I don't know why they interested me so much, maybe because they were so well preserved, the people we so small back then, the society sounded mysterious to me. I remember wanting to learn more about them maybe become an Egyptologist. (Too bad there was so much science to learn and then there are those tiny spaces to squeeze through) I remember leaving there with a papyrus bookmark with my name in heiroglyphics. Basket, mouth, reed, leaf, running water. I really wanted to find that again in the bookstore.
The collection seemed much more extensive this time, a whole tomb recreated inside with a corridor leading to the permanent Egypt collection.
We spent a little time in a fashion across the world through time, definitely a little more interesting to me than K. Then roaming the halls of the different Native American tribal bands. Chevron was also popular in the late 1800s.
I could have spent forever there but there we so many things to see and of course eat.
We spent the rest of the time running around the city eating. Loved Blackbird, tried illegal in CA foie gras at Au Cheval (there was also another couple in the bar from LA, we toasted our forks of FG at each other) sipped drinks at the Violet Hour, and bought beef jerkey from Publican Quality Meats for the plane.
It wasn't enough time, but my waistline was happy to jump on the train to the airport. (BTW, Los Angeles is the only city I have been in lately that doesn't have a train to the airport, hint hint Metro)
It wasn't enough time, but my waistline was happy to jump on the train to the airport. (BTW, Los Angeles is the only city I have been in lately that doesn't have a train to the airport, hint hint Metro)
Friday, September 27, 2013
Communal eating
I had already checked deep dish pizza off my list and there was one Chicago food I needed to mark off before leaving...The Chicago Hot Dog. The problem was that I had no idea where to go. I have to say that I don't think I have ever had one in Chicago. Minneapolis, Buena Park California, and a town north of Chicago named Winnetka. I couldn't for the life of me remember what the place was called in Winnetka all I know is that my family refers to it as Crispy Fries, but I couldn't wander around asking people where Crispy Fries was, they like other outsiders to my family language would not know what I was talking about.
I remember vaguely seeing a Portillo's after wandering around Friday after Frontera so it was there for lack of somewhere old school to go.
There was a place for dinner we wanted to check out as a recommendation, Publican, where we had an early dinner due to not having a reservation. We sat at a communal table, luckily next to a big group who had eyes bigger than their stomachs and ordered the entire menu. (Sometimes it is hard to know if people are having fun or if they are food bloggers) due to their over ordering and i think some non-oyster lovers in their group we were offered a near dozen oysters so that they didn't go to waste. Twist our arms. I actually am not an oyster fan, but theirs are good.
We continued on with razor clams (a first for me) roasted rabbit and beef tongue done almost like corned beef and cabbage, all were excellent. We denied more offererings from the people to the left while giving recommendations to people to our right who had never done the communal dining thing. I like communial dining especially in Chicago where people are friendly.
I really loved Publican and have since seen their mouthwatering posts on Facebook.
I really loved Publican and have since seen their mouthwatering posts on Facebook.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
hobnobbing and surprises
Spending 4-6 hours together is better than spending no time at all. It is a measure of how much you are loved by how many people will come from far and wide just to see you for those few hours.
I love that my family loves to celebrate, make big productions out of milestones, surprises out of days.
Enter stage left....
I love that my family loves to celebrate, make big productions out of milestones, surprises out of days.
Enter stage left....
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Water parks and surprises
Spending 2-4 hours with people you haven't seen in years is better than spending no time at all.
K and I crammed like sardines in the Johnson family minivan for the ride to Gurnee to where we were meeting the rest of the fam. I was a little nervous because this was the first meeting of K and my D.A.D. which at 37 is still nerve wracking. It was nicely diffused by some surprise mystery guests at lunch, my Aunt Carol, Uncle Mike, Cousin David and members of the other Johnson clan. We had lunch at this soda counteresqe diner with a waiter who told very bad jokes, I mean awful, so bad I can't remember any.
Since my birthday had been the weekend before, some people thought it would be a great idea to conspire with the waiter to bring me a dessert and have everyone sing to me, which everyone knows is mortifying to me. The sting of embarrassment was mitigated by sprinkles.
It was really great catching up with everyone, it had been far too long.
Since my birthday had been the weekend before, some people thought it would be a great idea to conspire with the waiter to bring me a dessert and have everyone sing to me, which everyone knows is mortifying to me. The sting of embarrassment was mitigated by sprinkles.
It was really great catching up with everyone, it had been far too long.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
The second part
When we last left Chicago....
Team Sisters had to return after lunch and K and I decided to explore all the places team sisters had explored already followed by dinner at Frontera Grill although we thought we were waiting for Topolobambo. It was worth the 2+ hour wait, please make a reservation if you are thinking about going, although the couple next to us waited an hour for their reserved table. Anyway, pictures
Team Sisters had to return after lunch and K and I decided to explore all the places team sisters had explored already followed by dinner at Frontera Grill although we thought we were waiting for Topolobambo. It was worth the 2+ hour wait, please make a reservation if you are thinking about going, although the couple next to us waited an hour for their reserved table. Anyway, pictures
Monday, September 02, 2013
Where have I been??
My suitcase has seriously been my best friend, now she is battered and worn and excited to stay put for a while.
I have been in the past 4 months to New York, Chicago(i need to get back to those posts before I forget), the Dominican Republic, and San Diego. I have also been splitting time between my two homes in Los Angeles, one in downtown and the other closer to the ocean. ;)
I have so much to write about, it is hard to know where to begin. I will try though to remember as much as I can, but forgive me if it ends up being posts mainly of pictures.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
I am so full of surprises

Day one:
We took the train from Evanston into Chicago, a little later to meet Team Sisters to do some Chicago touristy things. We met them at the Shedd, they were just finishing their aquarium related business. We pondered what to do next when we were approached by a salesman to buy tickets for a water taxi to Navy Pier. Usually we wave these people off saying that we weren't interested because it is usually people selling glo sticks or super sweet lemonade in this contraption you have to carry around all day with sticky hands. The more we thought about it, the more it sounded like a good idea, especially after the schlep team sisters had already that morning from hotel to Navy Pier, Millenium and Grant Parks to Museum Campus. That idea turned out to be one of the best of the trip. Chicago has a great coast line, full of random archtecture that somehow all works together. Sears Tower, John Hancock, and the modern shiny Gerhy amplitheater in Millenuim park. (I will show these later, my post is aleady getting long)
We landed on Navy Pier about 20 minutes later walked around a bit, kids riding rides, stopping for refreshments. Then I did something I never thought I would do, agree to ride on the GIGANTIC ferris wheel.
We met up with Mandu and had a nostalgic late lunch at Due, it was as good as we remembered
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Dinosaurs wolves and mamoths
I have passed by the Page Museum twice a day at least five days a week for the past 4 years and have never gone in. Los Angeles is like that, you pass by a place a million times, but it is often because you are on your way to some place else.
1 antique bison
2 mastadon
3 dire wolf skulls
For Ciclavia I wasn't really on my way anywhere, just east and the Page ended up being on that path. The page museum sits at the site of Rancho La Brea which used to be cattle ranches, pretty hard to believe, although it is on museum row, it still is one of the more active and more stinky fossil sites.
I was pretty amazed at its collection and had no idea mastadons/mammoths only had 4 huge molars in their mouths, like super huge like the size of my head.
Here are some photos.
I was pretty amazed at its collection and had no idea mastadons/mammoths only had 4 huge molars in their mouths, like super huge like the size of my head.
Here are some photos.
1 antique bison
2 mastadon
3 dire wolf skulls
4 anamatronic saber toothed tiger falling a giant sloth
Sunday, July 07, 2013
Meanwhile back in Los Angeles
Last Sunday I took part in Ciclavia: iconic Wilshire Blvd.
What the heck is Ciclavia? Well I am glad you asked. Ciclavia was started in Columbia as a response to congestion in the streets and pollution due to cars and other automobiles. LA knows a little about those two things. It is a day when the residents take back the streets by closing down a main thoroughfare only for bikers, skateboarders, rollerskaters and walkers.
This time is was Wilshire from Downtown to Fairfax, but also involved was a self guided architecture as part of PST presents tour with a little kbbq fest thrown in. I couldn't resist and I really didn't have an excuse not to go, since it was basically a block from my house.
There were several stations set up as rest stops for ciclaviaers (?) including djs, cultural dance and martial arts demos, food trucks and there were several 25 cent lemonade stands that neighborhood kids set up to make some summer cash.
Here are photos:
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Monday in New York
Monday in New York museums are open, and I took the opportunity to see my cousin Nick who has been touring the country, but happened to be in New York coincidentally. This trip was full of coincidences.
At MoMA one of the special exhibits was a rain room. Wherever you stepped, the rain suddenly wasn't there, they warned that you might slightly wet, but after two days of getting rained on, this really didn't really sound appealing to me. Especially a 2+ hour wait. I am too old to wait 2+ hours to get slightly rained on. No thanks.
I did however want to see the Applied Design exhibit.
What the heck is applied design? I know you had that question.
I guess the best way to answer that question is to tell you what I saw.
Artfully designed chairs made from unlikely materials
A rolling giant ball made from big plungers that rollover and detonate undetonated mines
A visualization of the internet
Tetris, super mario brothers
A machine that makes pottery out of sand using sunlight
I don't know if that explains it, but i hope it does.
This is a chair
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The day we ate all day
Sunday was for eating. Knocking off all the little snack places we wanted to visit. This involved a lot of walking through neighborhoods, but it was also the day it rained, all day, that misty annoying rain. My shoes never dried, the waterproofing didn't stand a chance.
Stop one: Russ and Daughters for old school authentic bagels lox and cream cheese.
Stop two: the original babycakes. I wanted a gluten free chocolate donut really bad.
Stop three: Big Gay Ice Cream for soft serve and bourbon chocolate sauce
Stop four: Arepas at Cara Cas. I had the reina pepiada which was avacado chicken salad between fried corn bread.
Between 4 and 5 we met up with my oldest and dearest friend who was also my very first boyfriend, but who is now like the older bother I never had.
Stop 5: Gluten free sicilian crust pizza at Keste. I want to go back right now.
Stop 6: industry party at this live work loft that had stereo and tv systems on a track so that they could move into any room you were.
Stop7: louro, where I had this amazing papardelle made from white asparagus, with uni butter and peekytoe crab. It would have been gluten free too, if I hadn't used the bread to mop up that delicious, delicious sauce.
Stop 8: blind tiger bar where I tried a strawberry flavored gluten free beer, and it was good
Friday, June 28, 2013
What are they wearing: festivus for the rest of us
Los Angeles is in its summer festival mode. Bohemian high low dresses, chain of flower headbands, tye dyed bra tops. I expected NYC to be different, but it wasn't too much.
What are people in new york wearing?
A lot of lace cut outs in tops and dresses and a lot of lace patterned tights, all black of course.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
A social movement with a soundtrack
After a trip down to penn and back up to columbus circle armed with umbrellas, we hit the Met for a quick 45 minute tour. Definitely not enough time. I b-lined for the punk fashion show. It had gotten some negative reviews and I understand why. A movement started by poor and working class as retaliation against the disparity of wealth represented by dresses inspired by moth eaten clothes for a purchase price of $5,000.
Seems a little off.
Interesting to see that Vivian Westwood's first designs were made of muslin, a very inexpensive material and worn by original punk icons.
Interesting to see that Vivian Westwood's first designs were made of muslin, a very inexpensive material and worn by original punk icons.
I did wish I could have spent more time with the show, but it was off to Harlem for over priced soul food.
Monday, June 24, 2013
50 50
I never know why I trust the Weather Channel's forecasts. They are often if not always wrong. No rain until Sunday and I was duped again. As we sat finishing our homemade marshmallows at Jean Georges it began to pour and as it poured it said that there was only a 10% chance of rain and the icon had a big sun with a tich of cloud over it. I think I am in the wrong profession. I should have been a weather girl and changed my name to Haily Storms and get paid thousands of dollars to be completely wrong.
We had no umbrellas and a big day planned.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Cuisine american
The only thing planned during this trip, although its impetus was the International Contemporary Furniture Fair, was where we were going to eat. Every meal, snack and drink was all part of a plan. Bagels and lox at Russ and Daughters, Arepas, ice cream with bourbon chocolate sauce at Big Gay Ice Cream, this heavenly drink at macao trading company. Everything. At first this was a bit daunting with no room for spontinaity, but in the end with how long it takes to get from point a to point b, this, the eating was the most refreshing part of the trip.
Saturday was the day we had a 2 hour and 15 minute lunch at Jean George in the Trump Tower off of Central Park and Columbus Circle. All I kept thinking was I am glad that I know what all this silverware does so I don't make an idiot of myself like Tom Hanks in Big. This was also the day that was my turn to meet all of the boyfriend's friends.
I strongly recommend coming to Jean George during lunch, it still has all of the fancy of dinner service with being a little more laid back in atmosphere. (Dress code still enforced) It is also pretty economical at lunch, with a two plate meal at $38 with $19 for additional plates and offer half glasses of wine for tasting with your mea have to say that the options for plates are hard to pick with many things in season, like softshell crab, white asparagus, uni, etc.
I chose the ahi tuna ribbons that came out in a nest on top of pureed avacado, bright crimson and topped with chili oil, and finished off by the server pouring a small tea kettle of spicy soy sauce mixture. It was pretty fantastic. It was followed by arctic char, which is my favorite fish. The perfect mixture of the good things about salmon and trout, without the things you don't like, like after taste. This was perched on top of logs of white asparagus in a jade emulsion sauce, which tasted like green curry and green tea and a pureed herb of some sort, but I don't know. It was just good, believe me. If I weren't in such a fancy place I would have drank my plate. I tried some of Kam's sweet and sour black cod, which was crusted in nuts and had a mushroomy, nutty sauce that was crack like.
The waitstaff here are all very talented and work in precision like a gourmet flash mob, I loved watching them, clearing and serving, women first then men second, revealing meals at the same time from underneath bulbous ceramic covers, turning away like the last scene of Oceans 11 away from the fountain. I wish I could go back just for that show, with my headphones on with ballet music.
pictures are of amuse bouche and K's appetizer
pictures are of amuse bouche and K's appetizer
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Friday I'm in Love
Three hours is a huge difference. After going to bed at 4, too many cocktails served by mustachioed men who look like they belonged in barbershop quartets. 4 very much felt like 1 and 10 very much felt like 7.
I had to dust off the groggies and meet my new niece, ArMarBar who was staying in times square. She is already part of the young jet set at 10 weeks. We got off the train one stop too early and wandered through the square at day time which is much different, less crowded, more faded so that our friend who came with us had a comparison of what would happen later. I was a little nervous since this was the first intro between family and the boyfriend.
We met mom and mandu at her hotel, for a second before she had to run off to meetings. The rest of us decided to enjoy the weather at a French restaurant across the street. ArMarBar was on a sleeping jag that just wouldn't quit. Slept through lunch, the crowds of people in the MoMA gift shop, and the begining of our trek through Central Park. I have been to New York a few times, but never to Central Park not sure why. Pre smart phone and gps I think. (Yes it had been a while) i had no idea is was so close to MoMA.
The following are pictures from Central Park. We took pictures of the babe a la Amelie, but those will come at another time.
I thought at first that it would be hard to be the "cool" aunt to all of the the nieces and nephews, but after talking with Arden about our day at Central Park, she is very chatty when she is awake, something I said must have been funny and I got some of her first giggles out of her.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Saving space on my carryon
First off let me say that I completely regret having my only camera be my iPad. I though that the camera on this thing was supposed to be good. It just isn't. It is a bit cumbersome, I got a lot of pictures of my fingers and pictures of people turned out super grainy and not in that retro hisptamatic kind of way. It was such a pain that I ended up not documenting this trip as much as I would have had I brought my camera. So this trip will be mostly description and photos I could salvage. A lot of them just weren't that good.
Monday, May 27, 2013
View from hotel room
We arrived in new york around 11:pm which felt like dinner time for us Angelenos, but sleeping time for people in new york. For a city that never sleeps, there are relatively few people out on at 11 on a Thursday night. We dropped off our bags at The New Yorker and I had to see what our view was from the, gulp, 24th floor.
Pretty nice.
We then headed to Tribeca, to Tribeca Canvas, a late night spot to grab a bite to eat. Their kitchen is open until 3:am. We were the only people there. We shared a lot of the late night menu, my favorite, a twist on what I can get in my own neighborhood in Koreatown, ddokbokki wrapped in seaweed. I loved the decor, almost like eating dinner in a forrest.
Then it was off to sample a couple cocktail bars before bedtime at 4:am
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