I have seen some celebrities of note lately, but really the only one that I am excited to see is this little number to the left. Who was born early Friday morning. Everyone is happy and healthy. Can't wait to meet her.
One of the good things about living in a studio apartment is that you don’t have to cook/host 8 plus people for Thanksgiving. There is just no where to put them. Plus, after my disappointing gravy making last year, I was happy to give it a rest and go to my friends in echo park and have them do the cooking. Being a mid-westerner, going to the house of mid-westerners I was there early and brought a bag full of food. My grandma Marge’s heavenly beau monde dip. (which I always called Bo Mondey, but now that I know a bit of French I know how it is really supposed to be pronounced. And chuckled to myself when I read the label) Vegetables always taste better with a good helping of mayonnaise and sour cream. I also purchased a pumpkin pie from Marie Calendar’s and from a co-worker who is in the process of starting her own baking business a dozen gluten free whoopie pies, they tasted like heaven.
I helped by cutting things, tried to decifer what was giblet and what was liver before it when into the stock pot, (thank god for the internet) trimmed beans for the green bean casserole and was mesmerized by the cooking skills of my friend. She was a whirling dervish, but made everything look so easy.
There were 7 of us orphans together, eating, sharing food, playing the name game-which I am excited to pull out when I go home for the holidays in a couple weeks.
I was great and in the end I ate too many Hawaiian rolls which made me oh so full and fat.