Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Sometimes you have to travel south to go back in time. ( I learned this from Jose Luis Borges)

I tagged along on a trip to San Diego. Traffic was bad because it was also the weekend of Coachella. (a music festival that I would classify as Woodstock for hipsters) Since it was taking forever for a 2 hour trip we decided to make a couple of side trips. Leslie and I talked about tastes that remind us of being a kid, her's is Swiss Orange Chip ice cream from Swensen's Which we recreated at Coffee Bean with an ice-blended orange mocha.

When we entered Buena Park, CA, I turned to her and asked her..

"Have you ever had a Chicago Dog before"
"Like the one at Pink's" She asked.
I laughed and said "No one at Pink's has ever been to Chicago."

And we drove to Portillo's. Yes, the Chicago chain has finally made it to LA.

Leslie said it was the best hot dog she had ever had and talked about it for days. Me, I was lost in the nostalgic moments and happiness that a Chicago Dog brings me.

Happiness is a warm bun

Monday, April 26, 2010

Star siting of the golden glove kind

Last week my cubicle mates took me out to celebrate my promotion. We ventured to Palomino in West Wood. (i.e. the area around the UCLA campus) This is a great restaurant to see deals being made with agents, and people who want to be noticed by agents, managers etc. We have a Palomino in Minneapolis, but it isn't nearly as interesting.

During this excursion we saw Sugar Ray Leonard having lunch. My back was to him most of the time. I think one of the girls got a picture.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

emails, please

I sent out an email of some recent work related news and got several bounce backs. If you want to be on the listserve to get little snippets that I am not posting, please email me at

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Writer's block

I completely have writer's block.

I haven't seen anyone out and about
The springs fashion trends are so varied(my roommate and I seriously watched this fashion segment that said this spring trends are short, long, bright colored, neon, but not neon, military, floral) Everyone in LA is wearing all of these
I haven't been exploring
I haven't been reading
I think all of the things I found strange about LA have now become completely normal.

I am wondering if anyone wants to submit something? Maybe you are not ready to commit to an entire blog, maybe you want to share some news? have you seen any celebs? Tell me all about it, this is a family blog after all.

I am taking submissions just until I can get this promotion under my belt

Thursday, April 08, 2010

When we last left I am here....

...she had just got home from dying easter eggs, fat from eating BBQ-ed meat and anxiously awaiting a promotion.

Well, she is waiting no longer because this week she has been promoted.

Very much a yay moment for me.

I have to wait for my boss to get back from Italy to tell me exactly what it will entail, but I am very excited.

All of this I cannot tell you about on the blog, but know that I am happy.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Thursday, April 01, 2010

two birds

I'm in jail.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy April Fool's Day.