After Cannes we decided to do a little exploring of the south of France and Italy, as long as we were so close.
First stop La Turibe, a village high above Monaco. A website describes it as a medieval village, it clearly looks it, but before that it was a Roman settlement after the defeat of 35 tribes of Alps people.
Pictured is the Trophy of the Alps, or the
Trophy of Augustus , the reason we trekked to Turibe in the first place. It is a quiet place, surrounded by poplar trees and native plants, with a spectacular view of the Mediterranean Sea, Monaco and Beausoliel. You can get a better idea of the scale of the place on wikipedia, linked above.
It is hard to describe being in a place that is that old. (built in 6 or 7 BC) It kind of makes you speechless. Normally I am a person who is afraid of heights, but I squelched it, because how often are you able to climb an over 2,000 year old monument. If your answer was hardly ever, you are right.
This also my first experience using a Turkish Toilet. Let's just say that I wished that it had directions.
Our visit at the Trophy was quick, because we still had to hit Italy. So it was off tho Sanremo, for Gelato. Not really just for Gelato.
Mainly in Sanremo we did a lot of exploring. Walking up and down skinny streets eating Gelato, checking out architecture, churches, and random Roman monuments speckled throughout the city. (I will post pictures on Flickr)
Angels and Demons was playing there and I saw no protestors.

Here is a picture of Asher and I enjoying a drink at a seaside restaurant. I think that I am so concerned with keeping my eyes open that I look a little miffed.
Then it was of to Monaco. This was the same day as the Gran Prix, you may say to yourself, you are crazy for going the same day as the Gran Prix. My answer is yes we are. If you only have one chance to do one thing, you have to be uncomfortable sometimes.
We drove the Gran Prix track at about 5 miles per hour, dodging the crowds of techno-loving Europeans. I saw a lot of Finnish flags.

The highlight of this trip was seeing the Casino Monte Carlo. You might remember this casino from quite a few James Bond movies. I didn't go inside, you have to have at least half a mil to walk through the front door. Which I didn't, but stayed outside and watched all of the Ferraris cruise the casino loop.
So, three countries in a day, not bad. The rest of the trip was much more leisurely.
Next up, more exploring in Nice.