Sometimes change can be hard, but sometimes it can be really good like last weeks inauguration of the 44th President of the United States.
I was very fortunate to be able to watch the event at work for and hour and a half without penalty, but I guess that is how non-profits work. Especially a non-profit that is suffering from 8 years of government fiscal irresponsibility. My work gets its money from an endowment resting in fate of the stock market. If you have seen your 401ks lately you know how dismal that is.
It was great to share this moment with 200 people, but would have been wonderful to be on the Mall with 2 million for the historic moment. I am still in shock to be honest. The speeches were great, Itzhak Pearlman always makes me a bit misty, and it was energizing to see all of those people.
I finished off the wonderful night at an inauguration party at the M Bar by my house. We saw comedians and musicians and laughed and drank and were merry. We didn't get any pictures or I would share.
I have never felt so much camaraderie in all my life.
How did you celebrate?