Before Asher left for work today, he made me promise to not be on my Netflix queue that long. I am surprised he hasn't called me yet to check in with me. We are both constantly adding movies to the list and we are now up to 427. I think Netflix does not let you add anymore after 499. So we aren't that far off.
I have had a few people ask me for recommendations. Here are the last 10 movies I have seen that I have liked. (In no particular order)
Extras -Season One.
This is the new series from Ricky Gervais, the creator and star of The Office. (It was a show on the BBC before it hit America) In this show he plays an aspiring actor, with a horrible agent that mainly gets work as a "Background Artist" It is extremely hilarious and his partner in crime Maggie played by Ashley Jensen always sends me screaming with laughter. You may know her as the seamstress on Ugly Betty (Which they film across the street)
Rome - Season One
This time period is very interesting to me, so I thought I would give it a try, plus I heard so many great things about it. It is great, but what makes this series so great is the feature on the DVD that allows you to get pop ups that give historical information. I couldn't imagine ever watching it when it comes on HBO, because you do not get this great feature. One thing about this show as many of you know with HBO shows, there is A LOT of nudity and very adult situations. Although it is very historically accurate, I wouldn't let your 14 year old watch it for their report on ancient Rome, if you catch my drift.
I think one of the main reasons we have so many movies on our queue is because we do not pay to have HBO
For Your Consideration - Christopher Guest
It is not the best of his mockumentaries, but better than A Mighty Wind. That whole group of people are so funny. Catherine O'Hara is a scream. No, she did not get plastic surgery for real, she is just doing that with her face
Lackawana Blues - This also was an HBO production. Great story of a young boy raised by his Grandmother and all the crazy people living in her boarding house. Great music.
5) Bonnie and Clyde- I just saw this movie for the first time. I didn't know that Twiggy was so in style during the days of Bonnie and Clyde. Maybe it was Bonnie who invented Mod. (funny how Faye's make up looks exactly how it would have walking down the street in the 60's)
I was surprised how much I liked this movie, it is a movie that a lot of people talk about and sometimes that can ruin your viewing. It was strange to see Gene Hackman with so much hair. I think I could have done with a little less screaming from Estelle Parsons though.
Jesus Camp - It doesn't matter how you feel about religion, this has to be one of the most unbiased documentaries that I have ever seen. I think that this film is a lot more about the power of charisma than religion, even though it takes place in several Evangelical churches.
7) The Conversation- Francis Ford Copolla
Another Gene Hackman film. This movie is a great example of the power of misunderstanding. I loved it when I saw it. Loved it when I saw it again. I liked seeing Cindy Williams in a drama, very unexpected.
8) This Film is Not Yet Rated- A great documentary about a directors quest to get his film approved by the ratings board. Very interesting and enlightening. Especially all the ways major motion pictures were cut so that they were acceptable for the ratings board. This movie is not for young viewer.
Note: the head of the ratings board for the past few decades died earlier this year.
9) Very Long Engagement- You may know Audrey Tatou from Amelie and DaVinci Code. I think that this is her best since Amelie. It is a great love story that takes place during/after World War I about a woman who goes to great lengths to prove that her fiance is indeed alive and not dead as reported by the French Army. Jodie Foster has a cameo and in French at that.
If you like this movie, I think you will also like Kubrick's <> Paths of Glory.
10) Empire of the Sun- Spielberg
I think that this movie is one of the forgotten Spielberg films, and I can't figure out why. It is great. It takes place during World War II in China during the Japanese occupation. Great acting from Bale, John Malkovich, Joey Pants, and on. Yes that is Ben Stiller, what is he like 14 years old?
Also, Netflix Friends has been down for 4 days and it is driving me nuts.
I hope I helped you add to your lists.