Friday, September 27, 2013

Communal eating

I had already checked deep dish pizza off my list and there was one Chicago food I needed to mark off before leaving...The Chicago Hot Dog. The problem was that I had no idea where to go. I have to say that I don't think I have ever had one in Chicago. Minneapolis, Buena Park California, and a town north of Chicago named Winnetka. I couldn't for the life of me remember what the place was called in Winnetka all I know is that my family refers to it as Crispy Fries, but I couldn't wander around asking people where Crispy Fries was, they like other outsiders to my family language would not know what I was talking about.

I remember vaguely seeing a Portillo's after wandering around Friday after Frontera so it was there for lack of somewhere old school to go. 

There was a place for dinner we wanted to check out as a recommendation, Publican, where we had an early dinner due to not having a reservation. We sat at a communal table, luckily next to a big group who had eyes bigger than their stomachs and ordered the entire menu. (Sometimes it is hard to know if people are having fun or if they are food bloggers) due to their over ordering and i think some non-oyster lovers in their group we were offered a near dozen oysters so that they didn't go to waste. Twist our arms. I actually am not an oyster fan, but theirs are good.

We continued on with razor clams (a first for me) roasted rabbit and beef tongue done almost like corned beef and cabbage, all were excellent. We denied more offererings from the people to the left while giving recommendations to people to our right who had never done the communal dining thing. I like communial dining especially in Chicago where people are friendly.

I really loved Publican and have since seen their mouthwatering posts on Facebook.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

hobnobbing and surprises

Spending 4-6 hours together is better than spending no time at all. It is a measure of how much you are loved by how many people will come from far and wide just to see you for those few hours.

I love that my family loves to celebrate, make big productions out of milestones, surprises out of days.

Enter stage left....

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Water parks and surprises

Spending 2-4 hours with people you haven't seen in years is better than spending no time at all.

K and I crammed like sardines in the Johnson family minivan for the ride to Gurnee to where we were meeting the rest of the fam. I was a little nervous because this was the first meeting of K and my D.A.D. which at 37 is still nerve wracking.  It was nicely diffused by some surprise mystery guests at lunch, my Aunt Carol, Uncle Mike, Cousin David and members of the other Johnson clan. We had lunch at this soda counteresqe diner with a waiter who told very bad jokes, I mean awful, so bad I can't remember any.

Since my birthday had been the weekend before, some people thought it would be a great idea to conspire with the waiter to bring me a dessert and have everyone sing to me, which everyone knows is mortifying to me. The sting of embarrassment was mitigated by sprinkles.

It was really great catching up with everyone, it had been far too long.


Wednesday, September 04, 2013

The second part

When we last left Chicago....

Team Sisters had to return after lunch and K and I decided to explore all the places team sisters had explored already followed by dinner at Frontera Grill although we thought we were waiting for Topolobambo. It was worth the 2+ hour wait, please make a reservation if you are thinking about going, although the couple next to us waited an hour for their reserved table.  Anyway, pictures

Monday, September 02, 2013

Where have I been??

My suitcase has seriously been my best friend, now she is battered and worn and excited to stay put for a while.

I have been in the past 4 months to New York, Chicago(i need to get back to those posts before I forget), the Dominican Republic, and San Diego. I have also been splitting time between my two homes in Los Angeles, one in downtown and the other closer to the ocean. ;) 

I have so much to write about, it is hard to know where to begin. I will try though to remember as much as I can, but forgive me if it ends up being posts mainly of pictures.